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Penetration Testing Exercise

Penetration Testing Exercise WC

Network Penetration Testing

A network penetration test is the process of identifying security vulnerabilities in applications and systems by intentionally using various malicious techniques to evaluate the network's security, or lack of, responses.

Web Application Penetration Testing

A web application penetration test is a type of ethical hacking engagement designed to assess the architecture, design and configuration of web applications. Assessments are conducted to identify cyber security risks that could lead to unauthorised access and/or data exposure

Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Penetration testing for mobile applications is used to analyze mobile apps security vulnerabilities to protect against attacks. The Apple App Store™ and Google Play™ host nearly than 6 million mobile apps combined.

Wireless Network Penetration Testing

The goal is to identify weaknesses in your network's defenses and rectify them before a real attacker can exploit them. Wireless pen testing includes testing the following: WiFi networks, bluetooth devices, wireless access points, wireless devices such as keyboards and mouses, wireless printers, and routers.

Social Engineering

Social engineering is the tactic of manipulating, influencing, or deceiving a victim in order to gain control over a computer system, or to steal personal and financial information. It uses psychological manipulation to trick users into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information

Red Team Exercises

Red teaming in cybersecurity involves security experts and professional hackers simulating attacks to test an organization's defense capabilities in real-life scenarios.